Saturday, October 14, 2006

Handsome Family- ABC Glasgow

Went to see the Handsome family last Thursday night and Brett & Rennie were on fine form (together with David on his magical musical saw, Mandolin etc). I was hoping to film a whole song for the blog but my Camera ran out of power so all I got was the disjointed short film above.

The start of the film sees Rennie lamenting the tragic death of Razzle(the drummer from Hanoi Rocks)and she went on to describe in graphic detail how she threw up on the front of the stage at a Hanoi Rocks concert. They're more rock and roll than they look !!!

It was a sell out gig (The handsome family not Hanoi Rocks) and the songs were interspersed with some hilarious banter between Brett and Rennie (topics included Skeletons of hummingbirds, how to train crows to pick pockets and magic shiny beer bottles). Brett chain drank beer and Rennie vamped it up big time with her eccentric views on life.

Mad as a bag of thieving Crows but fantastic songwriters.

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