Saturday, May 13, 2006

Frank Black- He talks (and Screams) like the animals


Total sonic almost perfect album. I was searching the net for some Pixies stuff today and came across this great concert footage.

The weird thing is it's not the pixies (its the usually mediocre Placebo) and it's not a song off of this particular album...however it does feature Frank Black striding the stage like a God and it captures the Pixies spirit.

A couple of weeks ago I performed a drunken version of Monkey gone to heaven in a Glasgow Chinese restaurant come Karaoke bar (please God let it have been a Karaoke bar) and I completely ruined the party atmosphere. It could have had something to do with my introduction which went something like, "This is a song about how every Ba#^ard is going to fry cause we fu$%ed with the planet....enjoy!!!"


almax said...

Yes, I agree that this is a truly great album - at one time or another practically every song on it has been my favourite song on the album - always a good sign....for now it's No 13, baby.

But you gotta be careful - on the 'rate your music' website I opined that this album was far superior to Nirvana's Nevermind, which is, in my opinion, unrefined and over-rated bullshit - this prompted a member of the American Psycho League to e-mail me, tell me that Nirvana were his favourite all-time band, and promise to hunt me down, torture me and kill me !!!

Fortunately, he'll never find me because I go under the name of Malcolm on that site.

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